Disclaimer (gotta say it): These tools are not approved by ours, nor any other company (probably) to be deployed on a company-issued device. In our FOM, the downloading of applications such as these to a company device is specifically prohibited (P1.16.6). So "on the record": These tools were intended to be installed on your personal BlackBerry. That said, I've tested them on BlackBerry models 7290 & 8700, and am satisfied that they don't interfere with any other function of the device. (Note - none of these applications access the radio functionality on the device). They should theoretically work on other BlackBerry models as well, although I haven't tested it so I can't promise anything. They will not work on other, non-BlackBerry PDA's or mobile platforms.
IMPORTANT: These applications will only run on a BB device running version 4.1 of the BB operating system software or later. Do not attempt to install on a device running v4.0 or earlier - you will regret it!! The 8700 models we currently use run 4.1.0, but the OS version can be found in "Options / About" on your BlackBerry.
Known issue: When you download & install, it may require a reboot on your device. This is a nuisance, but not harmful. I would like to be able to fix this, but I believe it's a result of a "feature" of the BlackBerry internal system software, so it's unlikely to be remedied.
I fly a business jet for a little outfit in Columbus Ohio. I'm a "recovering" Software Engineer, and wanted to play around with building BlackBerry software applications. I had some ideas for a couple of things I thought would be handy to have on the BlackBerry when I'm at work - so I think of these as sort of a "hello world" program that's functional. Since I know a few people who also happen to fly airplanes and carry BlackBerries, I thought there might be a market there, albeit a pretty narrow one. (Although the interpolation calculator does a generic linear interpolation that could be used for anything). But if by some bizarre set of circumstances you might get some use out of these, I'd appreciate hearing any comments, questions, feedback, etc: